


Byte-level models have been proposed for natural language processing (NLP) [9] [10] [11]. The idea is to convert text to a sequence of variable-length UTF-8 codewords, and to have the model predict one byte at each decoding step. The advantages of byte-level representation are compactness and universality, as any combination of languages may be represented with an output dimension of only 256. However, a sequence represented at the byte level is always much longer than its character-level counterpart for languages such as Chinese and Japanese [12], which is because many characters of these languages are represented by multiple bytes in UTF-8. As a result, a byte-level model can be error-prone since it needs to make multiple predictions for many single characters, and each prediction has a chance to make a mistake. To compensate for this drawback, [12] proposes byte-level subwords for neural machine translation. The idea is to apply byte pair encoding (BPE) [13] to UTF-8 codeword sequences and as a result, an approach referred to as byte-level BPE (BBPE). BBPE inherits the advantages of UTF-8 byte-level representation. BBPE is able to represent all languages while keeping the output dimension in check. At the same time, as BBPE tokens are in general longer than byte-level tokens, the approach reduces the number of steps required by the decoding process.


In this work, we investigate bilingual (English and Mandarin) E2E ASR models by exploring different types of output representations, including character-level, BPE, byte-level (UTF-8) and BBPE. Similar to some of the previous work cited, we build a single E2E model for utterance-based bilingual speech recognition. Our contributions are threefold. First, we compare the strengths and weaknesses of different output representations in monolingual and bilingual use cases. Second, we propose a method to adjust the bigram statistics in the BPE algorithm and show that the BBPE representation leads to accuracy improvements in the bilingual scenario. Finally, we analyze different representations and show how we might improve them for multilingual ASR.




Character-level Representation


Using a character-level representation in an E2E model means that the output symbol set for the model is the set of graphemes of the target language. In addition to graphemes, the output representation may also contain punctuation marks, digits, emojis or special tokens such as begin-of-sentence (BOS) or end-of-sentence (EOS). According to [14] [15], character-level representation is often a good representation for Mandarin E2E models, and this serves as one of the baselines in our experiments.


BPE Representation


The BPE algorithm [13] starts from the character representation and iteratively merges the most frequent bigrams given a training text corpus. At the end of this process, the BPE algorithm produces a symbol set that consists of subwords with different lengths. This symbol set can then be used by an E2E model as its output units. It is common to keep the single characters in the final symbol set, so unseen words in the test set can still be represented by the symbol set. For English, BPE is widely used in E2E ASR systems, as it improves accuracy and reduces computation due to the use of frequent subwords and the resulting shorter labeling sequences.


Byte-level Representation


Scalability is one of the important aspects in designing an output representation for a multilingual E2E ASR model. As the model supports more languages, the size of the symbol set increases. To tackle this problem [8] proposes a byte-level representation based on UTF-8. Instead of using characters or subwords as the symbols, byte-level model uses UTF-8 codewords as the output symbol set. The resulting representation is compact as each UTF-8 codeword only has 256 values so each symbol uses one byte. Yet, this representation is capable of representing any language, and adding more languages does not increase the size of the symbol set, which is an advantage compared to the character-level and BPE representation. However, byte-level representation has two drawbacks, first, it increases the length of the sequence by up to 4x [12], and it increases the number of decoding steps during inference. Second, not all byte sequences are valid UTF-8 sequences, which means the byte-level models may generate invalid byte sequences that require special handling.


To repair an invalid byte sequence, [8] proposes a dynamic programming algorithm to recover the Unicode characters given any byte sequence. We use this post-processing approach to recover characters from byte sequences as much as possible.


Byte-level BPE Representation


To circumvent the increase of sequence length for byte-level representation, [12] proposes byte-level BPE (BBPE) for neural machine translation, which applies BPE to byte-represented text. The advantage of this approach is that it reduces the sequence length by adopting frequent byte-level subwords and it keeps the size of the symbol set in check. It is important to note that BBPE is equivalent to BPE for many Latin-based languages, since in UTF-8, all Latin characters are single byte units. However, for languages like Chinese or Japanese, characters can use multiple bytes, so BBPE could be helpful. Similar to BPE representation, BBPE representation might generate invalid byte sequences, and post-processing using dynamic programming is necessary to remedy that. Another aspect is that if we keep all the single-byte UTF-8 codewords in the symbol set after BPE, BBPE can represent all languages, as with the byte-level representation.




[1] Anjuli Kannan, Arindrima Datta, Tara Sainath, Eugene Weinstein, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Yonghui Wu, Ankur Bapna, and Zhifeng Chen, “Large-scale multilingual speech recognition with a streaming end-to-end model,” in Proceedings of the INTERSPEECH, 2019. 

[2] Surabhi Punjabi, Harish Arsikere, Zeynab Raeesy, Chander Chandak, Nikhil Bhave, Ankish Bansal, Markus M¨uller, Sergio Murillo, Ariya Rastrow, Sri Garimella, et al., “Streaming end-to-end bilingual ASR systems with joint language identification,” in arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.03900, 2020. 

[3] Vineel Pratap, Anuroop Sriram, Paden Tomasello, Awni Hannun, Vitaliy Liptchinsky, Gabriel Synnaeve, and Ronan Collobert, “Massively multilingual ASR: 50 languages, 1 model, 1 billion parameters,” pp. 4751–4755, 2020. 

[4] Ke Li, Jinyu Li, Guoli Ye, Rui Zhao, and Yifan Gong, “Towards code-switching ASR for end-to-end CTC models,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2019. 

[5] Changhao Shan, Chao Weng, Guangsen Wang, Dan Su, Min Luo, Dong Yu, and Lei Xie, “Investigating end-to-end speech recognition for mandarin-english code-switching,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2019. 

[6] Zimeng Qiu, Yiyuan Li, Xinjian Li, Florian Metze, and William M. Campbell, “Towards context-aware end-to-end code-switching speech recognition,” in Proceedings of the INTERSPEECH, 2020.

[8] Bo Li, Yu Zhang, Tara Sainath, Yonghui Wu, and William Chan, “Bytes are all you need: End-to-end multilingual speech recognition and synthesis with bytes,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2019, pp. 5621–5625. 

[9] Dan Gillick, Cliff Brunk, Oriol Vinyals, and Amarnag Subramanya, “Multilingual language processing from bytes,” in Proceedings of the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies, 2016, pp. 1296–1306. 

[10] Marta Ruiz Costa-Juss`a, Carlos Escolano Peinado, and Jos´e Adri´an Rodr´ıguez Fonollosa, “Byte-based neural machine translation,” in Proceedings of the First Workshop on Subword and Character Level Models in NLP, 2017, pp. 154–158. 

[11] Linting Xue, Aditya Barua, Noah Constant, Rami Al-Rfou, Sharan Narang, Mihir Kale, Adam Roberts, and Colin Raffel, “Byt5: Towards a token-free future with pre-trained byte-tobyte models,” 2021. 

[12] Changhan Wang, Kyunghyun Cho, and Jiatao Gu, “Neural machine translation with byte-level subwords,” in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020, pp. 9154–9160.

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