Neural Machine Translation with Byte-Level Subwords





Byte Level Text Representation


Encoding Byte-Level Representation. We consider UTF8 encoding of text, which encodes each Unicode character into 1 to 4 bytes. This allows us to model a sentence as a sequence of bytes instead of characters. While there are 138K Unicode characters covering over 150 languages, we represent a sentence in any language as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes (248 out of 256 possible bytes).


A byte sequence representation of text is often much longer (up to 4x) than a character sequence representation, which makes it computationally demanding to use bytes as they are. As an alternative, we consider segmenting a byte sequence into variable-length n-grams (byte-level “subwords”). Specifically, we learn BPE vocabulary on the byte-level representation which extends UTF-8 byte set with byte n-grams. We denote this type of vocabulary as B(ytelevel)BPE in the rest of the paper. Figure 1 shows an example of BBPE tokenization.


BBPE symbols can be partial characters shared by different characters or the combination of complete and partial characters. This arbitrariness may necessitate incorporating a larger context surrounding each symbol for disambiguation and learning the character boundaries. In this work, we base our experiments on Transformer (Vaswani et al. 2017) models. We propose to use either a depth-wise convolutional layer (Kaiser, Gomez, and Chollet 2017) or a bidirectional recurrent layer with gated recurrent units (Cho et al. 2014, GRU,) to contextualize BBPE embeddings before feeding them into the model:


Decoding with Byte-Level Subwords. While any sentence can be represented as a byte sequence, the converse is, however, not necessarily true in that there are byte sequences that do not translate to valid character sequences. Empirically, we find that invalid outputs from trained models are very rare. We do not observe any in the experiments described below (note that one of them does have a large test set of 165K examples). And a common error pattern in halftrained models is redundant repeating bytes. In our system, we try to recover as many Unicode characters as possible from this error pattern efficiently in linear time. The algorithm is as follows: For a given byte sequence {B} N k=1, we denote the maximum number of characters that we can recover from it as f(k). Then f(k) has optimal substructure and can be solved by dynamic programming:



corresponds to a valid character, otherwise 0. When f(k) is calculated recursively, we also record the selections at each position k so that we can recover the solution through backtracking. The design of UTF-8 encoding ensures the uniqueness of this recovery process: for a character UTF-8 encoded with multiple bytes, its trailing bytes will not make a valid UTF-8 encoded character. Then the best selection in Eq. 1 is unique and so is the final solution.

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