As Docker containers have become a staple in the development and deployment of machine learning applications, it's crucial to optimize Docker images to reduce their size and build time. This not only speeds up development cycles but also makes deployment more efficient. In this blog, we'll explore practical techniques to optimize Docker images using a Python PyTorch application as an example.

1. Choose Minimal Base Images

The base image you select can have a huge impact on your final Docker image size. For Python applications, especially when working with PyTorch, choosing a minimal base image can drastically reduce the size of your Docker image.

Example: Switching from python to python-slim or alpine


FROM python:3.9

This base image is comprehensive but can be quite large, often over 100 MB.


FROM python:3.9-slim

The slim version of the Python image is much smaller, around 50 MB, but still contains enough tools to run your Python applications.


Switching to a minimal base image like python:3.9-slim can reduce the base image size by half or more, leading to smaller Docker images and faster builds.


2. Use Multi-Stage Builds

Multi-stage builds are a powerful feature in Docker that allows you to build your application in one stage and then copy only the necessary parts to a final, smaller image. This helps to keep your Docker images lean and efficient by removing unnecessary files and dependencies.

Example: Building a PyTorch Application


FROM python:3.9-slim

COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .

CMD ["python", ""]

In this example, all the dependencies and application files are installed and copied into the final image, which makes the image bigger.


# First stage: Build the application
FROM python:3.9-slim AS builder
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY . .

# Second stage: Create the final image
FROM python:3.9-slim
# Copy only the necessary files from the builder stage
COPY --from=builder /app /app

CMD ["python", ""]

In this improved version, the builder stage installs all the dependencies and builds the application. The final image only includes the files needed to run the application, without all the extra tools and files used during the build process.


Using multi-stage builds helps you create a much smaller Docker image by excluding unnecessary files and dependencies from the final image. This leads to faster downloads, quicker deployments, and more efficient storage use.

3. Minimize Layers in Dockerfile

Each command in a Dockerfile creates a new layer in the final image. Reducing the number of layers by combining commands can help decrease the image size.

Example: Combining Commands


FROM python:3.9-slim
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
RUN python install


FROM python:3.9-slim
COPY requirements.txt .
COPY . .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt && \
    python install

Here, the pip install and python install commands are combined into a single RUN instruction.


By reducing the number of layers, the final image is smaller and more efficient, leading to quicker build times and less disk usage.

4. Leverage .dockerignore

A .dockerignore file can be used to exclude unnecessary files and directories from being copied into the Docker image, which reduces the size of the build context and the final image.

Example: Creating a .dockerignore File

Example .dockerignore:



By excluding files like __pycache__, .git, and other unnecessary files, you can reduce the size of the build context, which speeds up the build process and results in a smaller Docker image.

5. Clean Up After Yourself

Temporary files and caches left over after installing dependencies can unnecessarily bloat your Docker image. Cleaning up these files can make a big difference in the final image size.

Example: Cleaning Up in a PyTorch Dockerfile


FROM python:3.9-slim
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt


FROM python:3.9-slim
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt && \
    rm -rf /root/.cache/pip

In this optimized Dockerfile, we clean up the pip cache after installing dependencies to reduce the image size.


Removing unnecessary files and caches reduces the Docker image size, leading to faster builds, quicker downloads, and more efficient use of storage.


Optimizing Docker images by

  1. selecting minimal base images
  2. using multi-stage builds
  3. minimizing Dockerfile layers
  4. leveraging .dockerignore
  5. cleaning up after installations

These can significantly reduce image size and build times. These optimizations not only improve the efficiency of your Docker workflow but also lead to faster deployments, reduced storage costs, and a more streamlined development process.

1. Pulling the Image from Docker Registry

Start by pulling the image from your Amazon ECR registry with the tag v1.0.0.


docker pull


2. Attaching to the Image

Create and start a container from the image and attach to it with an interactive terminal.


docker run -it /bin/bash


3. Making Changes Inside the Container

After attaching to the container, make any necessary changes. Once done, exit the terminal by typing:


apt update && apt upgrade -yq && \
    apt install -yq \
        gcc \
        wget \
        htop \



4. Committing Changes

After making changes inside the container, commit those changes to a new Docker image.


docker commit <container_id>


5. Tagging the New Image

Since the new image is already correctly tagged in this example, this step can be considered complete with the previous commit command. However, if you needed to tag the image differently, you would use:


docker tag


6. Pushing to Registry

Push your newly tagged image to the Amazon ECR registry.


docker push


7. Cleanup

Finally, clean up unused Docker resources to free up space.


docker system prune
docker image prune

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