This paper presents a method for jointly pre-training speech and text in an encoder-decoder framework to improve performance in speech translation and recognition tasks. 



Key Takeaways:

  1. Architecture: The method utilizes an Attention based Encoder-Decoder (AED) framework to integrate data from different modalities (speech and text) for representation learning.
    • Shared Encoder and Decoder: The STPT framework uses a shared encoder and decoder for both the speech and text modalities, which allows the model to integrate knowledge from both domains.
  2. Acoustic and Linguistic Representation Learning: The STPT framework is designed to learn both acoustic features from speech and linguistic features from text during the pre-training stage. This is crucial for speech translation models, which must understand the sounds of speech as well as the meaning of words.
  3. Joint Pre-Training Phase; Multi-Task Learning Framework: The framework integrates different pre-training tasks to build a robust model capable of handling multiple aspects of speech and language. The proposed Speech and Text joint Pre-Training (STPT) framework incorporates four self-supervised and supervised subtasks designed for cross-modality learning.
    • Text-to-Text (T2T): This self-supervised task helps the model learn linguistic patterns in the text. It's similar to how models like BERT learn by predicting masked words in a sentence.
    • Speech SSL learning (SSL): This is another self-supervised task focused on learning from the speech data alone, likely involving predicting some masked or hidden parts of the speech input.
    • Speech-to-Phoneme (S2P): A supervised task where the model is trained to predict phoneme units from speech data. Phonemes are the smallest units of sound in a language, so this task helps the model learn the sounds that make up speech.
    • Speech-to-Subword (S2T): Also a supervised task, where the model learns to predict subword units from the speech input. Subwords are larger than phonemes and can carry more linguistic information, like syllables or parts of words.
  4. Loss Functions: Pretraining is guided by different loss functions corresponding to the various tasks:
    • LT2T: The loss for the Text-to-Text task.
    • LSSL: The loss for the Speech SSL learning task, which involves masked prediction.
    • LS2P: The loss for the Speech-to-Phoneme task, which involves phoneme-unit sequence classification.
    • LS2T: The loss for the Speech-to-Subword task, involving sequential prediction of subword tokens.
    • Final Loss: The overall objective for the pre-training phase is a combination of these losses, guiding the model to learn both modality-specific and cross-modal representations. 
  5. Improved Performance: The STPT method effectively fuses speech and text information into one model, leading to significant improvements in performance. It achieves 1.7 to 2.3 BLEU score improvements on the MUST-C speech translation dataset and comparable word error rates (WERs) to the wav2vec 2.0 model on the LibriSpeech speech recognition task.



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