There are generally three ways to perform text-only adaptation:


  • Injecting synthesizing speech data to the model
    • generate audio for training texts via TTS and inject it to the model
  • LM fusion
    • Fusion and biasing (shallow fusion):
      • during decoding interpolate posterior word probabilities with text priors from external LMs
      • another recent approach is to extract internal LM probabilities and discount with the ratio of external and internal LM probabilities
    • Rescoring and reranking
      • after decoding, use a powerful external LM to update scores and rerank n-best results or recognition lattice
    • These techniques incur a significant overhead at inference time due to the external LM and also require careful tuning of the interpolation weight used for the external LM.
  • Explicit separation of internal LMs
    • force the E2E decoder/predictor to behave more like a language model (e.g. Hybrid autoregressive transducer (HAT), Modular hybrid autoregressive transducer, and Factorized transducer)



[1] External Language Model Integration for Factorized Neural Transducers

[2] in-situ test-only adaptation of speech models with low-overhead speech imputations



RNN-T for ASR 은 크게 Audio Encoder, Test Predictor 및 Joiner의 세 가지로 구성되어 있다.


1) Audio Encoder는 audio frames을 time t까지 input으로 받아서 high-level acoustic feature a_t를 인코딩한다. 2) Text predictor은 과거 text 의 과거정보를 h index까지 받아서, high-level lexical feature t_h를 인코딩한다. 3) 이 high-level acoustic and lexical features은 Joiner 모듈을 태우는데, 이 모듈은 두 feature을 결합하여, output unit에 대한 probability distribution, y_t,h를 내놓는다.


RNN-T는 CTC based 모델과 다르게, output symbols에 대한 확률을 생성하기 위해 audio, text 두 정보를 모두 사용함으로써, CTC 모델의 조건부 독립 가정을 극복할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.


Loss는 RNN-Transducer forward-backward 알고리즘을 사용하며 디테일은 [1] 논문을 참고하면 된다.


Test 할 때는, decoding 과정이 필요하며, 관련 메모는 [2,3]을 참고하면 된다.


[1] Alex Graves, "Sequence Transduction with Recurrent Neural Networks", 2012







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